"Stellar and Interstellar Environments:
Shocking Structures in and around Astrospheres and their Relevance for Cosmic Ray Transport"

24-28 September 2018 at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany

Travel information

From Düsseldorf or Frankfurt airport to Bochum:

The best airport to arrive at is Düsseldorf International Airport. The alternative is the Frankfurt Airport. From both to Bochum Main Station it is a 35 min (Düsseldorf), 2 h (Frankfurt), train trip. All train connections can be checked online (www.bahn.de) as well and can also be booked (via a travel agent) from abroad.

Transport in Bochum:

All hotels are conveniently located near stops of the city train "U 35" (CampusLine) with which one gets easily to the University: The nearest station to the "acora"-Hotel is "Deutsches Bergbau-Museum", to the "IBIS"-Hotel it is the "Hauptbahnhof". Between about 6am and 10pm this train runs every 5 to 10 minutes. You will receive a free ticket for the train at the registration desk which opens on Monday morning. For the first trip to University you will need a ticket ("Einzelfahrschein") for "Zone A".

Information on the University:

Travel information on how to reach the Ruhr-University Bochum can be found on the university web page University and Region.
Time tables and maps for the metro line U35 for those staying in the IBIS hotel next to the main station and in the acora Hotel.


TP IV DFG . Resarch Department